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The Night Shift Update 0.2.30

Hey Everyone!

I hope you have enjoyed the latest Major Update (read about that here) that dropped last week. If you haven't had the chance, because you are playing the latest Elden Ring DLC... I understand, and good luck!

Outside of the performance fixes a couple of days ago, I have been working a few things throughout the game. Only small things, but hopefully enough to improve the experience.

A couple of things in this update will add more immersion and just QoL improvements. Here are the top things from this update.

  • A throbber has been added to the loading screens, just throbbing away, so you know the game isn't frozen and is still chugging away.

  • There are more interactable items littered through the world, expect more immersion by being able to inspect a plate or a mug! Where did the plate come from? Who made the mug? These are the things everyone is wanting to know.

  • Keycards were taking up way too many inventory slots. So now they initially take up a slot, but after first use will vanish. Don't worry, you will still be able to use it - it just won't be taking up a slot.

  • I made mannequins a little bit quicker. Why? I want to keep you on your toes. It's not Lightning McQueen speed, but it's a little faster than before.

  • There are a couple more scary moments littered through the new shifts released last week. So have fun with those.

Now here are the patch notes for the latest update.


Added more spooks.

Added more interactable items.

Added a throbber to loading screens.

Updated garage layout slightly.

Keycards are now permanent, they no longer take up room in the inventory after first use.

Increased Mannequin speed from 225 => 250.

Lowered difficulty during the end sequence of night 2.

Updated chairs at the kitchen table.

Bug Fixes

Fixed the same garbage chute dialogue playing on two separate shifts.

Fixed being able to get stuck in a corner on night 2.

Fixed being unable to inspect the safe code post it notes.

Fixed the white key having the placeholder key inventory icon.

Fixed flickering lights flickering ridiculously fast.

Fixed movies in inventory having low quality textures.

Fixed Clock Off task showing as the first task on a specific level on night 3 or 4.

Fixed some spelling errors in movie descriptions.

Fixed some items staying in the same place when inspecting them.

Fixed mannequin unable to navigate past a specific shopping cart.

Ran into a bug? Report it on the Discord or the Steam Discussion board.

Follow The Night Shift on X/Twitter and TikTok.

Until next time!


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